“Fibromyalgia 2024”

26. März 2024

The 6th Inter­na­tio­nal Congress on Contro­ver­sies in Fibro­my­al­gia, 7–8 March 2024 | Brussels, Belglum

Fibro­my­al­gia 2024

Preg­nen­olo­ne – Defi­ci­en­cy in Pati­ents with Fibro­my­al­gia syndro­me with and without Small Fiber Patho­lo­gy – a “Supp­ly Cham Problem“?


Preg­nen­olo­ne – Defi­ci­en­cy in Pati­ents with Fibro­my­al­gia syndro­me with and without Small Fiber Patho­lo­gy – a “Supp­ly Cham Problem“?

Walter Maier-Janson, MD, Specia­list prac­ti­ce Neuro­lo­gy & Pain, Ravens­burg, Germany

Studie herun­ter­la­den




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